Our online platform allows businesses to generate common legal documents and forms instantly. Select one of the below items and enter your details to generate a custom document that can be downloaded in editable form.
Why you’ll love using our documents
Our legal docs cost between $20 and $350 – way cheaper than a lawyer.
Create your legal document in minutes.
All documents are checked by our lawyers to ensure a quality result.
Our range of documents
Employment Contract
Do you need to generate an employment contract for a full-time or part-time prospective employee?
Price: $375 (inc GST)
Time to complete: 5 minutes
Confidentiality Agreement
Do you need to protect your confidential information when there is a need to share it with other parties?
Price: $185 (inc GST)
Time to complete: 10 minutes
Shareholders’ Agreement
Do you need to put a Shareholder’s Agreement in place?
Price: $395 (inc GST)
Time to complete: 5-10 minutes
Licence to Sell Agreement
Do you need to grant a licence to sell a product?
Price: $275 (inc GST)
Time to complete: 5 minutes
Benefits of making a Will online with Turnbull Hill Lawyers
Unlike traditional will kits, Legal Beagle’s online will toolkit offers a fast and easy way to: