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Defending a Will

Defending a will when the majority of the deceased estate is located in NSW If you are an Executor, a beneficiary, or someone who has unfortunately been bereaved, the last thing...

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Will Disputes

Types of Will Disputes in NSW How do you dispute a will in NSW? During times of loss and heartache, disputes arise between beneficiaries in relation to how the...

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Executor Duties

The Duties of an Executor when the deceased estate is located in NSW An Executor is someone who has been appointed by the willmaker (also known as the Testator)...

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What is probate? Probate is the legal process that proves the validity of a will. If a person dies and has left behind assets, all of these assets (including...

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Inheritance Disputes

Disputes related to inheritance that arise between family members and loved ones are quite common and occur for a number of reasons. To ensure a favourable outcome is achieved...

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Contesting a Will

Everything you need to know about contesting a will in NSW To increase your chance of success when contesting a will it helps to have a qualified and experienced team behind...

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